How to Organize End of the Year School Work

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Children's Artwork

Summer vacation is finally here. This is the time where families gather to have road trips, water park adventures, summer blockbuster hits, and a bunch of end-of-the-school-year paperwork. Every parent would like to keep everything their child has done throughout the year. However, most parents horde stacks of art work, gold-star spelling tests and report cards for many years because who can bring themselves throw away a years worth of their children's work – especially during the earlier years of academic excellence.


As much as we'd like to keep all of their work, we can't. The following organization tips will help you minimize the clutter and leave you with the best of the best masterpieces that you will remember for years to come.

Decide What is Kept

Instead of keeping it all, you should narrow down your children's school paperwork to a few special pieces each year. Don't be afraid to ask for your kids' opinions. After all, they are the ones who made them. Below is a simple criteria or guideline to help:

  • For Display – These masterpieces that really make your heart swell as you showoff your child's creative genius.
  • For Storage – These pieces you can't bring yourself to throw away, but you have new masterpieces coming in – those that really represent your child or milestones.
  • For Mailing – Mail some to the rest of the family.

Displaying Masterpieces

Here are a few ways that will help you decide how to display the masterpieces that you and your child have decided to keep.

Scrap Book
A good old fashion scrapbook that contains all of the artwork you want to display to your guests works wonders. Having a big book of memories taped or glued onto each page can be put on the living room coffee table for guests to flip through.

Wall Art
Frame the beautiful creations onto the wall and line them up for display. Guests to your house can stroll along the wall and take a sneak peek at the artworks that your children have created.

Bulletin Boards
Something similar, but easier to set up and takes up less space. Having a bulletin board that symbolizes a place to hang homework or artwork that received good grades is also another way to display your children's milestones. Bulletin boards are easier to replace and less permanent.

Storing What You Can't Part With

We understand that by the end each year you will have new items that you want to replace the current ones with. What happens when you run out of space on the wall, or need a new scrapbook? When they get to the limit, consider storing them in your storage unit.