In addition to restricting the storage of items that might attract pests, the storage facility staff also keeps the grounds clean and any landscaping taken care of properly. Every storage unit that is vacated is given a thorough cleaning to be sure that pests have no reason to move in while it is empty. The staff also patrols the grounds to be sure that no storage units are left open which might be considered an invitation by rodents or insects.
Even if there are no rodents or troublesome insects seen on the property, the manager has the entire grounds regularly treated for pest control. Spraying insect repellent near the doors and nooks of the buildings keeps the insects from entering or making nests during the warmer weather. To control mice and rats, the manager may have strategically placed poison boxes or other deterrents. Of course, everything that they do to control the pest population is not considered to be harmful to the staff members or the customers. For example, placing out the simple snap traps for rodents could cause injury to someone. Instead, any traps have completely enclosed trapping mechanisms and all of the poison boxes have the poison completed enclosed so that humans cannot touch it.