Packing for Festival Season

Written by  Alison O'Brien



Festival season is upon us! Whether you're an experienced concert attendee, or a first-timer, packing for festivals always presents a problem. It is necessary to strike a balance between having too much stuff, or not packing enough to get you through the weekend. Follow these tips for a stress-free festival experience!

1) Fanny Packs: Yes, they may seem dorky and outdated—but functionality outweighs aesthetics in this case. Fanny packs are a secure and easy way to store your money, IDs, keys, tickets, or anything else important that you need to keep close to you at all times.
2) Camelbak: Hydration is the number one rule of Festival safety. It is incredibly easy to get dehydrated quickly. A camelbak water bottle allows you to store a large quantity of water on your back (hence the name camelbak) easily while keeping your hands free.
3) Charging Phone case: Everybody knows that one of the best parts of attending festivals is sharing the videos and pictures with your friends later. Unfortunately, a large concentration of cellular devices in one location can drain your battery quickly. Be prepared by purchasing a charging phone case before the festival. Not only are these cases protective, but they will come in handy when your phone is on 5% battery before your favorite artist comes on.
4) Comfortable Shoes: Again, functionality outweighs aesthetics. While you may look good wearing your knee high gladiator sandals, your feet will not be happy after standing for several hours. Instead, choose a simple pair of sneakers or something with support. Your feet will thank you!

Follow these tips for a stress-free festival experience, and above all, have fun!