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Packing Tips for Road Trips

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Going on a road trip means that you don’t have to worry about airport security checkpoints or airline baggage fees, although road tripping does take a fair amount of planning. As you decide what places you will be traveling to, remember that a lighter trunk will improve your gas mileage. Packing for car trip is as important as packing for camping. Below are some tips to pack for your road trip easily and efficiently.

Duffel Bags: Try to avoid bringing multiple structured suitcases when you’re packing your clothes for a road trip. Use duffel bags to maximize your trunk space. Smaller and soft-sided duffel bags will be able to wedge around the rest of your gear. In case you plan to stop at a hotel along the way, pack an overnight bag with items that you’ll need for the night. Items would include change of clothes, pajamas, toiletries, and medications. Don’t forget to bring your valuables with you into the hotel.

As for the rest of your items, pack them in separate duffel and spread your family things out over a few different bags. Pack your duffel in the back of the trunk to save room for up front items you will use the most while en route.

Super Comfy Outfits: Road trips means that you will be sitting for a long period of time, your top priority should be comfort. Be sure to wear soft and breathable fabric. Some great options would be cotton blends and jerseys. Jeans would be something you should avoid since they may be uncomfortable. If you’re planning on stopping by a nice restaurant then you can’t go wrong with packing for simple outfits. Breezy dresses are great for women and cotton twill chinos is a good choice for men.

Be prepared and alert for weather changes by dressing in layers. In case of inclement weather, have a sweater or rain gear on you.

Shoes: Comfort is key, not only with clothes but with shoes as well. Choosing the shoes for your road trip is important, especially if you’re the driver. Don’t have shoes that are too tight or brand new if you decide that breaking them in for the road trip is a good idea (it’s not). Being seated for too long can cause some people’s feet to swell slightly.

Pack sneakers, loafers, or sandals are great options.

Cooler with Food and Water: Make room by carving out space for a hard sided cooler in your trunk. Fill the cooler with items that are easy to eat on the go such as grapes and baby carrots. Pack all items such as fruits or vegetables in individual Ziploc bags. Non-perishable or individually wrapped foods are good to bring along, such as granola bars and popcorn. Stick to liquids that are clear since they can be easier to clean up if someone spills. Bottled water is always your best bet and you can never go wrong with it.

A good idea for you to do is to re-stock supplies each time you do a pit stop.

GPS: If your car is not equipped with a built-in GPS, then suggest getting a GPS unit because they are an invaluable tool on road trips. It will come in handy when you’re going through unfamiliar territory. But don’t completely rely on your GPS because like any gadget, they may have a malfunction or incorrect information

There are a ton of apps that can help make your road trip more smoothly so if you have a smartphones then take advantage of its capabilities and load up useful apps. Be sure to complete any downloads, including movies, before you leave home since internet connection may be unreliable.

Powered Up Gadgets: It will be extremely helpful to bring along extra batteries and car chargers, in order to keep your tech powered up at all times. Also include wall chargers. A universal charger is a good investment since it has different connectors that can charge all of your gadgets with one device.

Emergency Kit and First Aid: Everything is not always in working order, having an emergency kit for your car and first aid for yourself is important. Make sure for your emergency kit, the batteries in your flashlight are working and you have a spare tire, as well as having a blanket and jumper cables.

Cleanup: In your trunk, you want to have pre-moistened wipes, paper towels, and plastic grocery bags for trash. Be sure to stash extras items somewhere in your car in order to have these items be available at all times.
